Friday 3 February 2017

Iran issued a second warning by President Trump

President Trump tweeted on Friday that Iran is playing with fire - they don't appreciate how "kind" President Obama was to them. Not me!

President Trump spat with Arnold Schwarzenegger continues

President Trump spat with Arnold Schwarzenegger continues on Twitter over ratings

Ruline Steininger Hilary Clinton Supporter has died at the age of 103

Steininger died Tuesday night, three months after her dream was dashed. She was 103. Her daughter, Karen Steininger, confirmed Ruline's death to CNN on Thursday.

"She had a long and productive life and did much to inspire many women, young and old," she said in an email. "One of my favorite things that she said, as my husband was telling her about the Women's March here in Des Moines, was to please send Hillary a note after her death and to let her know that she'll still be fighting. An activist even after she's gone."

Steininger was born in 1913, before the first World War, when women could not vote. During the 2016 campaign, CNN documented Steininger's efforts to help elect Clinton -- the country's first woman to capture a major political party's nomination for president.

On September 29, Steininger became one of the first people in Iowa to vote in person for Clinton for president. She met the candidate backstage at a campaign rally.

Machete-wielding man attacks soldier at Louvre, terror motives suspected

A French soldier opened fire on a machete-wielding man, wounding him, police said. The attacker, now suspected of terror motives, cried out “Allahu Akbar.”

The French Interior Ministry reported that was a “grave public security incident” in the vicinity of the Louvre museum. The area was sealed off.

The attacker armed with a machete tried to assault a four-man patrol of soldiers at the Carrousel du Louvre area. Earlier reports said he was a wielding a knife and had a suitcase.
Later police said there were two bags and the man carrying them on his back tried to enter museum shopping area, but was refused.

Samsung says it may build U.S factory

Samsung says it may build one of its factory in the United States of America President Trump welcomed the idea in a tweet.  

UN envoy Nikki Haley criticises Russian aggression in Ukraine

The Trump administration has severely criticised Russia for the first time with its newly appointed ambassador to the United Nations lambasting Moscow for its military intervention in Ukraine.

Making her maiden address to a session of the UN security council on Thursday, Nikki Haley said: “Eastern Ukraine of course is not the only part of the country suffering because of Russia’s aggressive actions. The United States continues to condemn and call for an immediate end to the Russian occupation of Crimea.”

“Crimea is a part of Ukraine. Our Crimea related sanctions will remain in place until Russia returns control of the peninsula to Ukraine,” said Haley, who was formerly governor of South Carolina.

Haley’s remarks at the UN echoed the tough position she took on Russia at her Senate confirmation hearings but were in strong contrast to the tone taken by the White House which has been silent on Russian actions in Ukraine. Donald Trump has consistently praised Vladimir Putin and held an hour-long phone conversation with the Russian leader on Saturday, which was characterised by the Kremlin as friendly and focused on future joint action on counter-terrorism. The new upsurge of fighting in eastern Ukraine began soon after the Trump-Putin call.

In her speech at the security council, Haley appeared to acknowledge the White House’s desire to forge better ties with Moscow, but said Russian actions in Ukraine made it impossible to lift sanctions.

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